Unknown Battles of War
Yesterday I was called a "dependa" by some person I went to high school with and told I "fit the urban dictionary definition perfectly." All because I simply shared my and my family's experience growing up as a military family. There has never NOT been a point in my life or my siblings when my dad wasn't in the Army... He is still in. People don't really stop to think of the impact war and deployments have on the people at home. No, it's not nearly as traumatic as what my father has witnessed and I am NOT comparing what I've gone through to what my father and other soldiers have. However, it has had detrimental impacts on everyone's families mental health, and family dynamics. These may seem petty to you if you are a first generation military member with no family of your own, but those in the military with families who have deployed or been stationed far places for long amounts of time would all say that there are multiple sacrifi