Corruption Of The Government: Cannabis
I have spent the last three months researching cannabis, and why the social stigmas behind cannabis exist for a couple of my classes. I've looked into international drug businesses, I've talked with dispensary owners, growers, and microbiologists who study cannabis from all over the nation, I've looked into the psychological aspect, social, medical, and torn apart how our drug education programs work. What really caught my eye however, was the propaganda our government used and still uses, and what is in it for them if they keep it illegal. Right now, the federal government reaps over double the amount of tax from cannabis, then it does for alcohol or tobacco. Yet, the government still considers those people who own legal dispensaries, criminals, and they can be subjected to raids at anytime; especially if they don't pay the ridiculously steep tax. This is an example of steep taxes in Washington State. In addition, they profit off the arr